Office Technology

Paring with Dental Technology
to Enhance Your Smile

To provide you with the best care, we have added these new technologies to our office for faster, more efficient treatments that improves your comfort.

digital pan x ray icon new technologies Venice Dental


Captures digital images of your mouth and teeth without chemical use and 80% less radiation exposure.

cbct icon new technologies Venice Dental


Get close-up views of inside your mouth on a monitor to help you make treatment decisions with confidence.

sterilization new technologies Venice Dental


We use the latest technology and equipment to always ensure the highest level of a sterile environment.

Like any area of health care, dentistry has benefited from new technologies. These advances have resulted in faster, more efficient treatment and significant improvements in patient comfort. To provide you with the best care, we have added new technology to our office including:

Digital X-Ray

80% Less Radiation

Digital X-rays are used with computerized equipment and software to capture X-ray images of your mouth and teeth. Digital radiography is safer than traditional X-rays because no chemicals are used and there is less radiation exposure. The images are instantly viewable, easily enhanced for improved viewing, and can be stored electronically and emailed to specialists and insurance companies.

Intraoral Camera

Seeing Things Together

An intraoral camera is a highly advanced innovation in dentistry that allows us to get a close-up view inside your mouth. Intraoral cameras are an essential tool in the diagnosis of our patient’s dental health and for a better understand the suggested treatment plan. In addition to being convenient and easy to use, the intraoral camera presents a great opportunity for patient education. The images are displayed on a television or computer monitor so that you can see what we see when we look inside your mouth. The crisp, color, magnified images provide us a means of seeing better, and each patient has the opportunity to visualize specific areas which may require monitoring. With a clear understanding of your dental condition, you’ll be able to make treatment decision with confidence.


Infection control measures and modern sterilization equipment is imperative for the protection of you, your family and your health care provider. Sterilization and disinfection are the basic steps in instrument processing and surface asepsis. Sterilization refers to the use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all forms of microorganisms, including the highly resistant spores and the hardiest bacteria and fungi. We use the latest technology and equipment to always ensure the highest level and standards are used to maintain a sterile environment. All our staffs wear masks, gloves, as well as protective eyewear which is worn both by the staff and our patients.

Book An Appointment

hour icon new technologies Venice DentalCLINIC DAYS
Mon: Closed
Tue: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Wed: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thu: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sun: Closed

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